Our Mission 

  • To preach the gospel of Christ and salvation to people of all nations, not just those who live around us, but to go to them as Christ commanded all believers Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8
  • To instill in all Christians a deep commitment and personal understanding of relationship with, and ministry of our Lord Jesus. 
  • To inspire the Christian in their role and responsibility toward their family, and their nation, and to motivate them to have an impact on society. 
  • To develop individuals and ultimately the Church to become that perfect bride without blemish or wrinkle for which Christ will return. 

Our Vision 

  • To teach the church the principle of seedtime and harvest, and to instill in all Christians an understanding of The Seed, and the real truth about the Harvest.
  • To establish people firmly in their relationship with the Lord, first by being founded solidly on the Word of God, and secondly building an intimate, strong life of prayer and true worship, thus being inspired to maximize their potential and enable to fulfill the plan that God has for their lives. 
  • To teach, train, and equip people to identify their God - given gifts and talents, and develop them so they may utilize them in the reaping the end-time harvest in their local church, their local community, and in the world.
  • To teach, train, coach and mentor individuals and instill in them a level of spiritual maturity and wisdom and understanding of the Word and principles of God and impart a level of Godly excellence with which they govern themselves and their lives.  
  • To develop genuine respect and appreciation within the Body of Christ for individuals, gifts, and talents, both within the local church and ministry, and between different churches and ministries.  

Our Strategy 

  • The church affects the individuals
  • The individual affect the families
  • The families affect the communities
  • The communities affect the nations 
  • The nations affect the world